Science & Technology

Learn about the science behind miR’s prostate and bladder cancer detection and classification technology that can help give healthcare providers, patients, and payors the greatest confidence in test results and care plans.

Molecular Diagnostic Prostate Cancer Testing

Unlike other available blood and urine tests, the miR platform produces a comprehensive molecular analysis of the entire prostate gland using a wide array of small non-coding RNA, known as sncRNA.

We capture and lyse exosomes from the patient’s urine sample, then interrogate the extracted sncRNA in a high-throughput OpenArray™ system. Our proprietary algorithm calculates patient results and provides cancer detection and classification with one of four molecular assessments of the prostate gland: No Molecular Evidence of Prostate Cancer, Low Risk, Moderate Risk, or Elevated Risk for Aggressive Prostate Cancer

Our Timeline

Our unique process provides actionable data to providers far more quickly than today’s standard of care, rapidly accelerating the timeline to treatment or monitoring, if necessary.

Prescritpion + Capture
Screening + Testing
Actionable Data

The miR Approach

Accurate Classification Guides Clinical Pathways

miR’s unique sncRNA extraction and interrogation techniques coupled with an advanced proprietary algorithm will allow providers to confidently detect and classify prostate cancers with just one urine sample, supporting clinical management decisions.

Our clinical studies have shown the extraordinary sensitivity of miR's molecular prostate cancer detection and classification technology.

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